Parker Ranch
The historic Parker Ranch House, Maple and 13th Streets. [Front winter View]
This unusual stone home was started in the late 1920's by the Rayburn family and completed in 1935 when Jim Parker brought his family to Odessa from Midland.

School children and church members were invited each year to hunt for Easter Eggs at the Parker Ranch House which was definitely in the country until the late 1940's. Originally it was surrounded by two sections of land. The home had two water wells, elms trees, a wind charger, bottled gas and cattle barns. Their fences ran from East County Road to Pagewood and from 8th to 27th Streets.

Bessie Lou Doelling, her youngest brother, Alvin, and sister, Mollie Lillian were raised in the house. When her children had grown, Mrs. Jim Parker donated the old family homestead to the Beta Sigma Phi Sorority. The house has subsuquently been given to the Heritage of Odessa Foundation for preservation and public education.

Visiting Hours: 10:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Dial 335-9918 for Appointment for Groups Tours.
Days: to Visit
Open Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat. [only]
Closed Sun. Mon. Tue.
Historical Marker
Historical Marker.

Southeastern View
Southeastern View .

Parker home, rear view
Southwestern view of the Parker Home.

Courtesy, The Heritage Of Odessa Foundation, Anne Sherburn.

rear building

Old sign on rear building reads:

Texas & Pacific Oil Co.
JE Parker Ellenberger Battery
RRC No 06969 Tank No 1437 18032
Sec. 40. BLK 45. T&P RR. 163.4 AC

Clear Page
Updated: May 15, 1998