This informal history adds a new dimension to our city's heritage.
RECOGNITION Exchangite John Ben Shepperd and author-historian Wanda Snodgrass wrote it.
Dave Baum
Dr. J. F. Bauman
Donna Braden
Charlie Brandon
Jerry Carson
Buster Cole
Faye Connell
Mrs. Velma Barrett Cretsinger
Mrs. Marshall J. Cummings
Jimmie Defee
Ector County School District
Bill Griffin
George Haley
Fuel Hammett
Fannie Hammett
Mrs. H. J. Hardeastle
Jimmy Hays
James Headlee
Grace Huff
Roy Huff
Buzz Hurt
Faye Jackson
Kenneth Jumper
Mrs. Jay Kelley
Ida Kennedy
Bobbie Jean Klepper
Imogene Machotka
Max Malone
Jim Mazurkiewicz
Larry Melton
Gayle Noll
Helen Grace Pettit
Steve Poynor
Elizabeth Powell
Bill Quillen
Ranch Supply Personnel
Mr. & Mrs. Bill Renfroe
Mr. & Mrs. J. P Robertson
Mrs. Cal Smith
Happy Smith
Homer L. Stewart, Jr.
John J. Sublett
Bob Switzer
Lettie Lee Thain
Oma Barton Wakefield
Arthur Wight
Carl Wight
Mrs. S. B. Wight
Woody Woodard
Dale Young